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Beaver management team

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01463 725 000


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Beaver Management Group

Beavers are protected by law as a European Protected Species in Scotland. This protection came into force on 1st May 2019 with the view from the Scottish Government that the species should be allowed to expand its range naturally

In some places and situations the activities of beavers can have negative impacts on other interests such as farms, gardens, or other land. Sometimes this can be easily managed to prevent damage such as by fencing vulnerable areas or protecting individual trees and in others there is the potential for more novel techniques.

NatureScot will provide free and expert advice to help people experiencing problems and where possible will provide these measures to minimise damage through the beaver mitigation scheme.

However, we also accept that in some cases such measures are unlikely to be effective or appropriate and the beavers themselves will need to be managed, including by lethal control. Where this occurs we work to make sure that any action will help resolve the problems being experienced, whilst at the same time taking into account welfare concerns and without preventing the overall aim of expansion of the existing beaver populations in Scotland.


History and distribution

Contacts and organisations

If you own or manage land that is affected by beavers please contact NatureScot on the details provided above.


Governance structure

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Places to see the beavers

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